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    • Yoruba Vol 2: Afrobeats Strumming Sale Off
    • Yoruba Vol 2: Afrobeats Strumming
      Current Deals

      North And West African Music Inspiration 'Yoruba Vol 2: Afrobeats Strumming' comes equipped with 140+ WAV Loops, 50+ MIDIs, and 80 One-Shots that perfectly encapsulate Afropop & Afrobeats and Make the next Top Charting Hits. Inspired by both North and West African music, Al Amin carved live and true waveforms with...

      $32.99 $10.99
    • Money Grave Bundle Sale Off
    • Money Grave Bundle
      Current Deals

      What is Money Grave Bundle?! This is a kit that includes all 3 issues from the series Money Grave. Made especially for those who want to get everything at once for good money. This is the best offer to buy if for some reason you missed a series of beat...

      $59.85 $24.95
 • $ 17.00
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