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    • Pop Flavor - Loops & One-Shots Sale Off
    • Pop Flavor

      The Final Installment of the Flavor Series Sonics Empire proudly presents the 4th and final installment 'Pop Flavor' of the Flavor series. We released this finale edition as 5 Construction Kits, 23 Drum-Shots, and 19x2 Dry/Wet Vocals Samples. This edition slots in right after three previous installments in Trap, Lo-Fi, and...

      $14.99 $9.99
    • Riots - Beats with Hooks Sale Off
    • Riots

      Inspired By Current Events 'Riots' is a musical creation inspired by the current events in 2020. It comes with 5 melodic Construction Kits, and 4 Hooks originally written and recorded in our studio by the original creator Sami the producer to provide you with more vibe and ideas for the...

      $29.99 $9.99
 • $ 17.00
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