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    • Retro Game
    • Retro Game
      WAV Format

      Crafted by OG Gamers, Inspired by OG Games! With 502 game ready audio assets, over 30 minutes of pure 8-Bit epic-ness! All the awesome classic sounds you need for your 8-Bit Arcade Game! 'Retro Game' is here to offer you the ultimate sonic stock pile to turn your old school 80’s...

    • Vibes 1 - R&B Loops, Drums & FX
    • Vibes 1
      WAV Format

      Vibey R&B This pack took a LONG time to finish. Every time somebody came up with a vibey new loop to play for the AudeoBox team, they all started staring into space, getting all cerebral, talking all deep about feelings and stuff. It’d go on for hours. And if anyone...

 • $ 17.00
  •  • $